Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mommy's Little "Helper"

Well, cycle 5 of chemotherapy is complete!  We finally made counts last week and were admitted for two days.  I have to admit, it is getting harder to be in the hospital with Eddie, not easier!  We have all of his necessities packed and ready (food, toys, games, etc.) but what we were not ready for was his crazy, rambunctious, non-stop, always on the go, self.  When we first started chemotherapy in March, he was not walking...... now he is running, climbing, tumbling, you name it, he will try it.  In fact, he has been discharged from Infant/Toddler Connection in Virginia because he has met all of his physical therapy goals, with flying colors!  Go Edward Go! And being hooked up to an IV pole for 48 hours with only about a three foot radius to run around in, is... well, terrible!  This last time, my mom, sister, Mike, and I had to get up and literally jump to grab him before the PICC line was ripped out of his arm.  We "saved" the PICC line so many times it was useless and unnerving to count. Please PICC line, keep yourself inside Edward's right arm for a little longer, about 6 more weeks, please?  He likes to dart this way and that way, especially during the one second you are not paying attention to him.  The chemotherapy infusion of all three drugs is only about three hours long, but he is hooked up to fluids the entire hospital stay.  Our nurse the second day said, "Well why don't we just unhook him so he can go to school and run around."  Well, nurse_______  I had my doubts about you a few hours earlier, but when you said THAT, confidence was restored :) Yes, there is a little school at the hospital and Mrs. Chelsea (LOVE HER!) runs the room for ages 2 and under.  He ran into the room screaming " Yay! Yay! Yay!" because he loves his teacher and he knew he was UNHOOKED!  Thank goodness for hospital "school" and the one hour he gets to be a normal kid.  It melts my heart every time. The other two sweet children were sitting nicely on the mat with Mrs. Chelsea, basically play Pat-A-Cake song but my lovely son was running around the room in circles, trying every toy for about ten seconds, only to throw it, then move on to something else.  Many moms just leave their children and go grab a coffee or take a break or something, but I DONT.... haha, because I am a former teacher and I KNOW my wild man. And I know Mrs. Chelsea is probably thinking, "Please don't leave me, please don't leave me!" Haha.  We appreciate his spunk, and understand that we MAY find ourselves in the principal's office more than once as our darling child grows up........ But, our only wish, is that he surpasses this ridiculous obstacle and gets the chance to grow up.... enough said. (P.S. Blame me.... I am the hardcore, scary, strict, homework every night, 5th grade teacher gone softy).

And since we have been home, Eddie is doing great!  We have had a few nauseous days, but no vomiting.  Eddie was started on Neupogen at home to boost his white blood cell counts.  A friend described Neupogen to us as Red Bull for the bone marrow, and so we have been giving him a needle every night.  Yes, a needle, you heard it, a needle, a shot, an injection.  At this point, Mike and I are like "Whatever, no problem, sure we can do it at home." But Eddie has been taking it fairly well with a few cries, a whimper, and then he gets back to his smiley self pretty quickly.  His counts were high enough that we got permission to stop the Neupogen for a while, and we have a CBC at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, so we will see what is going on inside his little body.....

And so here are so pictures of Edward doing his thing, being my "helper".....
I bought this broom at the toy store in town, because ever since he found my broom, he is obsessed with sweeping!!!!  The only thing he does with the broom is try to knock Winston in the head with it!!  Poor Winston, you have been so good lately even though Eddie is being a stinker.
Sweeping and pooping, pooping and sweeping!
"Cool, Mom, I love this Dirt Devil!"   (This picture actually looks like he is using it correctly, but 99% of the time he just carries it around, vacuuming nothing, nothing at all.)
"Oh wait, I see a Cheerio, oh, wait, I think I will eat that one."
"Mom, I think this thing is out of battery. It stopped." ( Mommy in her head shouting, "Thank God that thing is finally out of battery.")
Bubble mowing the "sidewalk."  Yes, definitely helpful. The neighborhood association is absolutely 100 % appreciative.
Oh wait, we found the grass.... the neighbor's grass... oh well, we will call this a success!
Picking up sticks is definitely a way to help Mommy.  Although, picking up your toys would be even better.  HINT! HINT!
Oh, and he is off again!  Man that sidewalk looks beautiful Edward!
Watering the plants with Mommy.... A.K.A. Dumping his water out all over the place and splashing around in it as Mommy checks his PICC line a thousand times to make sure it is not wet..... Ahhhhh the joys of the Mommy's little helper days.

Are there child labor laws in Virginia? Well, you would think with all of this "help" our house is pristine and clean!!!!!!!!!  Yeah right......... When Mike and I first found out we were pregnant we were talking and laughing and guessing about what the future might bring.  And I said, "I just can't wait until the back of our car is filled with Cheerios."  ha...... ha.... ha...... ha..... ha..... ha....
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!Still laughing as I drive to the nearest Jiffy Lube tomorrow morning to vacuum out our car.

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